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This is used to render pages under certain states like empty or error cases. If this is added the given blocks will be rendered on the empty or error case. ​

How to add page variant blocks

You can add a page variant block in your page like this

const pageData = {
title: 'Custom Page',
pageVariants: {
error: {
blocks: [
name: 'namespace/custom-block',
attributes: {
title: 'Error page',
empty: {
blocks: [
name: 'namespace/custom-block',
attributes: {
title: 'Empty page',

Example page

const page = {
blocks: [
clientId: 'cart-line-items',
name: 'shopify/cart-line-items',
stickyFooter: {
blocks: [
name: 'appmaker/cart-total',
attributes: {
total: '100Rs'
pageVariants: {
error: {
blocks: [
name: 'appmaker/your-custom-block1-for-empty-cart',
attributes: {
title: 'Something went wrong',
empty: {
blocks: [
name: 'appmaker/your-custom-block1-for-empty-cart',
attributes: {
__display: '{{blockData.lineItems.edges == 0}}', // This can be given as an additional confirmation in cart
title: 'This is an empty cart title',
name: 'appmaker/your-custom-block2-for-empty-cart',
attributes: {
__display: '{{blockData.lineItems.edges == 0}}', // This can be given as an additional confirmation in cart
title: 'This is image representation for empty cart',
url: 'https://someimage.png'
attributes: {},
title: 'Cart',
export default page;