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How to show search page results as grid?

If you want to show search results as grid, you can do this by replacing the search page.


  1. Create a new file in the src/pages folder of your theme and name it searchPage.js.

  2. Add the following code to the searchPage.js file:

import z from 'zod';
const validQueryParamsSchema = z.string().min(1);
const searchPage = {
title: 'Search',
attributes: {
ignoreScrollView: true,
headerShown: false,
insideSafeAreaView: true,
rootContainerStyle: {
flex: 1,
contentContainerStyle: {
flex: 1,
blocks: [
name: 'appmaker/SearchBar',
attributes: {
label: 'Search Product',
topBarView: false,
debounceInterval: 500,
name: 'searchKey',
appmakerAction: {
action: 'LIST_PRODUCT',
params: {
replacePage: true,
title: 'Result',
name: 'appmaker/recent-search-wrapper',
attributes: {},
name: 'appmaker/shopify-product-list',
innerBlocks: [],
clientId: 'product-list',
isValid: true,
attributes: {
__display: '{{!lodash.isEmpty(pageState.searchKey)}}',
hasPages: false,
horizontal: false,
gridViewListing: true,
customDataSource: {
source: 'shopify',
responseType: 'replace',
attributes: {
mapping: {
items: '',
methodName: 'searchProduct',
params: '{{pageState.searchKey}}',
paramsValidations: {
zodSchema: validQueryParamsSchema,
repeatable: 'Yes',
repeatItem: 'DataSource',
dependencies: {
pageState: ['searchKey'],
dependencies: {
pageState: ['searchKey'],
export default searchPage;
  1. Import the searchPage.js file in the src/pages/index.js file and add it to the pages array.

     import searchPage from './searchPage';
    const pages = {
    // other pages
    export {pages};
  2. Now, when you search for a product, the search results will be displayed as a grid.