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WebEngage Events Documentation

Product Added to Cart

Event Name


Event Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
Product IdStringUnique ID of the product
PriceNumberPrice of the product
Product NameStringName of the product
CurrencyStringCurrency of the product
ImageStringImage of the product as URL
QuantityNumberQuantity of the product
VendorStringVendor of the product
Variant IdStringUnique ID of the variant
Category NameStringName of the category

Product Removed from Cart

Event Name

Removed From Cart

Event Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
Product IdStringUnique ID of the product
PriceNumberPrice of the product
Product NameStringName of the product
CurrencyStringCurrency of the product
ImageStringImage of the product as URL
VendorStringVendor of the product
Variant IdStringUnique ID of the variant
Variant TitleStringTitle of the variant
Category NameStringName of the category
Product URLStringURL of the product

Product Searched

Event Name

Searched Product

Event Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
TermsStringSearch query

Product Viewed

Event Name

Product Viewed

Event Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
IDStringUnique ID of the product
PriceNumberPrice of the product
TitleStringName of the product
CurrencyStringCurrency of the product
AvailableBooleanAvailability of the product
Total VariantsNumberTotal variants of the product
SourceStringURL of the product
TagsStringTags of the product
ImageStringImage of the product as URL
Retail PriceNumberRetail price of the product
DiscountNumberDiscount of the product

Product Added to Wishlist

Event Name

Added to Wishlist

Event Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
Product IDStringUnique ID of the product
PriceNumberPrice of the product
TitleStringName of the product
currencyStringCurrency of the product
ImageStringImage of the product as URL
VendorStringVendor of the product
product_nameStringName of the product
URLStringURL of the product

Coupon Applied

Event Name

Offer Availed

Event Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
Coupon CodeStringCoupon code

Checkout Started

Event Name

Checkout Started

Event Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
Total PriceNumberTotal value of the cart
CurrencyStringCurrency of the cart
line_itemsArrayArray of line items
Created AtStringCreated date of the cart
EmailStringEmail of the cart
Subtotal PriceNumberSubtotal value of the cart

Checkout Completed

Event Name

Checkout Completed

Event Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
Order IDStringUnique ID of the order
Total PriceNumberTotal value of the cart
CurrencyStringCurrency of the cart
Customer First NameStringFirst name of the customer
Customer Last NameStringLast name of the customer
Customer PhoneStringPhone number of the customer
NameStringName of the customer
PhoneStringPhone number of the customer

Category Viewed​

Event Name

Category Viewed

Event Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
Category IDStringUnique ID of the collection
Category TitleStringName of the collection

Cart Updated

Event Name

Cart Updated

Event Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
No. of ProductsNumberQuantity of the product
Product NamesStringName of the product
TotalNumberTotal value of the cart

Cart Viewed

Event Name

Cart Viewed

Event Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
Line ItemsArrayArray of line items
No. of ProductNumberQuantity of the product
Product NamesStringName of the product
TotalNumberTotal value of the cart

User Registered

Event Name

User Registered

Event Properties

Property NameData TypeDescription
IDStringUnique ID of the customer
Customer IdStringUnique ID of the customer
EmailStringEmail of the customer
First NameStringFirst name of the customer
Last NameStringLast name of the customer
PhoneStringPhone number of the customer
TagsStringTags of the customer
IdentityStringName of the customer